

I'm siting here at my table drinking another cup of cold coffee and going over a few of the photo's I took from my Instagram last night on an impromptu trip to the thrift store.  I was thinking about why I take so much pleasure from these shopping excursions.

I'm always discovering something that peaks my curiosity and things I'm just shocked to find.  Images like these remind me of a different time where the world seemed just a little sweeter.  Being able to touch these things make me feel as if I'm somehow part of that world.

I don't know if this glass sundae bowl is a reproduction or possibly an original.  My mind can come up with several scenarios as to where these originated from.

How many family meals, occasions and days gone by have these served?

I was lucky enough to experience playing records as a child.  I still remember the magic that would ensue with the sound of the needle touching down onto the record.

And of course, back in the days before everything was made from plastic we had these.  Imagine a time when sewing was a way of life for women and not just an optional hobby?

Thanks for joining me for this post.  I'm sure to be back with many more of these types of topics and sharing them here with you.

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! ~Jenn